A Solar Day: Flagstaff, Arizona - June 2022

One of the most common questions we receive is, “How are your solar and batteries working out now that you are traveling?” They worked awesome when we were doing our build in the middle of the desert in the Phoenix area. Traveling is different though. There are many more variables compared to the open lot in full sun we built the bus in. So, to answer the question, we thought we would start a new series. “A Solar Day”. In this series, we will document how much power we are using and making throughout one day in different locations as we travel. First in the series is a day in the national forest outside Flagstaff, Arizona in early June 2022.
All the nitty-gritty details including graphs and charts are in the video. Come watch as we spend a day working and doing school in the bus powered by the sun in the middle of the forest.
Watch the video:
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